Aramaic Book of Matthew Interpretation Ch 1 - 28
Aramaic was the language of Jesus and the disciples. So wouldn’t it be amazing if you could hear what the Aramaic New Testament sounded like?
Wouldn’t it be exciting to hear this ancient, two thousand year old language come to life and hear it spoken today?
Well, now you can!
Andre will be reading and explaining the 1st century Custom Context Culture of the Gospel of Matthew from Chapter 1 - 28.
Meet Your Instructor

Andre Moubarak
Andre Moubarak is the owner and founder of Twins Tours & Travel Ltd. in Israel. Born into a Christian family along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem’s Christian Quarter, Andre is a licensed tour guide and an ordained minister, leading numerous groups through the Holy Land each year and teaching them about the Aramaic/Jewish roots of Jesus.
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How is Matthew Different from the Other Gospels?
The Gospel of Matthew mainly differs from the other gospels due to its heavily Jewish perspective. He also quotes the Old Testament far more than any of the other gospels. He spends a great deal of time pointing out references from the Torah present in Jesus' teachings. It also contained five collections of teachings regarding Jesus' commandments.
Those teachings were about the law, mission, mystery, greatness, and future of the Kingdom. The Gospel of Matthew also points out the Jewish apathy at the time, which prompted the spreading of the message to the gentiles.
Matthew's job as a tax collector is also evident in his Gospel. He discusses money far more in the Gospel of Matthew than any other book, especially in the parable of the Talent.
The Peshitta:
Aramaic is almost forgotten language, based on a completely different and an unfamiliar view a forever fresh (holistic) approach: the Aramaic language.
I use the original Aramaic Bible in my teaching called The Peshitta: Peshitta is derived from the Syriac literally meaning "simple version". However, it is also possible to translate pšîá¹tâ as "common" (that is, for all people), or "straight", as well as the usual translation as "simple". Simplicity is the key of approaching scripture.
Aramaic can only be spoken and understood through the heart. An intellectual person without heart contact will not grab hold or understand the language’s depth.
The heart sings its song. The tones, the rhythm, be yourself who you are and what meant to be, because it is creation’s expression of unconditional love (HoBo) Mercy (rakhmanii) and forgiveness (shbaaq). Not many people are able to hear this song of the heart.
Most Christians in the Western culture have inherited the Greek or Western mindset, meaning they think in a different way than the people of the Bible. This means that much of what you read in the Bible is lost on a Western culture and then becomes confusing when it is explained through a western lens.
Matthew Ch. 1
Matthew Ch. 2
Matthew Ch. 3
Matthew Ch. 4
Matthew Ch. 5 Part I
Matthew Ch. 5 Part II
Matthew Ch. 6
Matthew Ch. 7
Matthew Ch. 8
Matthew Ch. 9
Matthew Ch. 10
Matthew Ch. 11
Matthew Ch. 12 Part I